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HomeHealthUnderstanding Varicose Veins: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Understanding Varicose Veins: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

The text focuses on delivering information about varicose veins and their symptoms. Varicose veins are a condition that affects up to 3 in 10 adults, with women being twice as likely to develop it as men. The first signs of varicose vein usually occur between the ages of 30 and 40, and the condition tends to become more severe with age. While varicose veins are not life-threatening, they can cause problems such as swelling, pain in the lower legs, skin discoloration, and in severe cases, leg ulcers. Treating the varicose veins themselves can often alleviate these symptoms. It is important to note that varicose veins may not always be visible but can be detected using techniques such as ultrasound.

Definition of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be blue, red or flesh colored. They are often raised above the skin on legs and look like twisted bulging cords. They can be quite unsightly and for many people, they are a source of embarrassment. There are two systems of veins in the legs: the deep veins and the superficial veins. The deep veins are the most important, as they carry up to 90 percent of the blood from the legs back to the heart. The superficial veins are less important and can be removed or blocked without damaging the circulation of the leg. The two systems are connected by perforator veins, which are usually only a few centimeters long. The superficial veins are also connected to the deep veins by a number of veins known as junctions. It is at the junctions or in the superficial veins themselves that varicose veins are most likely to develop. Blood flows up the legs in the superficial veins and is propelled upwards by small one-way valves. The blood passes from one valve to the next in the veins. If the veins are subjected to increased pressure, the walls of the veins can become distended and the one-way valves may not meet properly in the middle. This allows blood to flow back down the leg and the increased pressure in the veins can transmit to the small veins just under the skin. These small veins can become permanently distended with the increased pressure and can turn into reticular veins or feed into clusters of surface veins which are known as varicose veins.

Prevalence of Varicose Veins

The general application of these results is that most of the US population is affected by varicose veins at some point in their lives and should seek guidance about treatment options at the first signs of this condition.

Data was obtained through physician-administered questionnaires and cardiovascular ultrasound was used to obtain presence or absence of varicose veins, and the Anatomic Venous Segment Score was used to classify clinical status. Anatomic Venous Segment Score: C0 = no venous disease, C1 = telangiectasias or reticular veins, C2 = segmental saphenous or tributary varicosities, C3 = saphenous incompetence with pain or incompetence, C4 = skin changes due to venous stasis, C5 = healed venous ulcer, C6 = active venous ulcer. This method of evaluating and classifying varicose veins was used to improve the certainty in statistical analysis of the prevalence of varicose veins, and has a very high sensitivity and specificity.

The data from the Framingham study has shown that the prevalence of trunk varicose veins (defined by visible trunk veins only) is approximately 25% in men and 35% in women. This study was done on a sample of 2109 males and 2405 females between the ages of 32 and 81. Data then was projected for the entire general US population to yield the 1.8 billion number mentioned above.

In the US general population, it was estimated that at least 1.8 billion people have varicose veins. This was determined when those individuals with varicose veins of C1 symptomatology or greater (defined by CEAP classifications) were computed. The overall prevalence of varicose veins was determined to be 56% for men and women combined ages, with 72% of women and 42% of men having C1 vein symptomatology.

Varicose veins are a common condition, which becomes more prevalent with advancing age. According to the information from the Berlin Varicose Vein Epidemiological and Economic Study, the primary data source for epidemiological information on varicose veins was obtained through a population-based random sample of men and women between the ages of 18 and 79. Information about those persons who were actively institutionalized or for whom some medical disability precluded participation was not available.

Importance of Understanding Varicose Veins

The symptoms of varicose veins appear because of venous hypertension. The Venous Hemodynamic Disease classification explains the process of venous disease in three phases. The first phase is when reflux is present, but there are no visible signs of distension in the vein. In this phase, there are no physical symptoms, and the only way to diagnose this is with a venous ultrasound. The second phase is when symptoms begin, and there are visible signs of venous distension. The final phase is when skin changes and ulceration are present. Many patients have treatment for varicose veins solely for cosmetic reasons and are unaware that they have underlying venous disease. It is possible to prevent the progression of venous disease if vein disease is recognized early.

Varicose vein disease is an extremely common condition, but even with advances in treatment and technology, it is largely misunderstood. The importance of understanding vein disease is gaining attention among the medical community because it is directly related to treatment outcomes. Vein disease is progressive, and although it is not life-threatening, it is crippling to the human potential. Chronic venous insufficiency is a more severe form of vein disease which, if left untreated, can cause decreased quality of life due to pain, swelling, skin changes, and ulceration. Treatment of vein disease has cosmetic results; however, it is important to recognize that the primary aim in treating vein disease is to improve the overall health of the leg.

Causes of Varicose Veins

So what happens with obesity or lack of physical activity? It is a proven fact that the circulatory system is a highly efficient system. Unlike the heart, which pumps blood throughout the body, the circulatory system relies on the act of the muscles pushing against it. This can be illustrated by imagining a sponge. When a sponge is squeezed, it forces out the water. The same concept applies to the circulatory system. If the muscles are not being used, the veins will collapse and cause blood to pool in the vein. By having increased pressure within these veins, it will cause them to become varicose. This said, the importance of exercise should not be understated! Only 30 minutes a day can lead to a very big impact on your overall health!

Third and finally, a common cause of varicose veins is due to being overweight or leading a sedentary lifestyle. This is stated as cause 2.3 is mainly because by leading an inactive lifestyle paired with poor dietary habits, it will often lead to a person being obese. While some will argue that standing for a long time leads to the occurrence of varicose veins, which, while true, falls under a job hazard. Standing is not a cause in itself.

With age in women, they go through a major hormonal change with the onset of menopause. The cause of hormonal influences can often trigger the development of varicose veins. This being due to the high levels of estrogen in their system often found during pregnancy and birth control medication. Hormonal enforcement often relaxes vein walls. This being said, men should be aware that hormonal imbalances in today’s day and age may also lead to the onset of having varicose veins. Given the fact that varicose veins affect almost 1 in 2 people over age 50, the hormonal factors are very significant.

Another main cause of varicose veins is age. Aging is a natural process and varies from person to person. That, with time everything starts to lose its elasticity and our veins are no exception. Aging is a cause of vein damage. Damaged veins can cause the blood to leak into it and collect there. In turn, the veins will begin to twist and turn and gradually become varicose. This being said, those who have varicose veins and are aged shouldn’t assume that it is just a cause of old age. There are people in their 80s and 90s with healthy veins! Age is a factor.

Genetic Predisposition

The study of the human genome and the attempt to identify specific genes is ongoing. Genetic counseling and specific testing can be done if varicose veins become symptomatic and genetic influence is felt to be a large factor. The hope is that a specific gene can be identified and changed in order to prevent or cure varicose veins, which may be possible in the far future.

Familial history and inheritance may be the reason that a hormonal imbalance or unique pregnancy will trigger the development of varicose veins. These veins may have never become symptomatic if the hormonal change didn’t occur. Unfortunately, varicose veins can become a hindrance and cause various symptoms or even medical issues if left untreated. If you are among the people who have a family history of varicose veins, it is crucial to learn how to delay or prevent the progression of venous disease. This can include various dietary adjustments, wearing compression stockings, and routine exercise to help improve vein circulation.

Individuals who have family members with varicose veins are more likely to acquire it themselves. Similar to the way we inherit hair or eye color, there is a remarkable genetic predisposition in the development of varicose and spider veins. Approximately half of the people with varicose veins have a family history of the condition. There are a number of genes and gene complexes which have been identified in families with a history of varicose veins. Genes control every single function in the body, including the making of valves in the veins. As of today, no specific gene has been identified, as all genetic studies show various results. However, it is clear that genes play a significant role in the development of varicose veins.

Age and Hormonal Factors

Studies suggest that age is a factor in the development of varicose veins, with results indicating that a person aged 65 has a 15-20% chance of developing varicose veins. Anatomical and genetic factors presumed present from birth may take many years to become clinically evident. This is, in part, due to damage caused to the veins over many years from the continued pressure of standing and walking. The skin can become severely discolored, and in some instances, an ulcer may form, often near the ankle. This is a result of long-term fluid buildup, the final stage in the natural history of varicose veins.

Hormones of several types, including those associated with pregnancy and menstruation, may be major contributing factors in the development of varicose veins. The cause of varicose veins in pregnancy may be attributed to a number of factors. The enlargement of the uterus puts added pressure on the veins in the pelvic area, which can sometimes affect the flow of blood from the lower extremities. This, in turn, can increase the pressure in the leg veins and lead to the development of more pronounced varicose veins. Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy, pre-menstruation, or menopause have been cited as a cause, as hormones can weaken vein walls. Research indicates that up to 55% of women in the United States may be affected by varicose veins in the lower extremities. Some preventive measures, such as regular exercise, elevating the legs, and dietary changes to include increased fiber and water intake, have been known to control the progression of varicose veins in these situations.

Obesity and Sedentary Lifestyle

Excess weight on the abdomen and pelvis can place increased pressure on the veins. Obesity is a risk factor for varicose veins, as the added weight in the abdominal region can create a restriction of blood flow from the legs to the heart. This occurs from a blockage of the main vein in the upper thigh, a likely event for obese persons. This, in turn, can cause the blood to find an alternate pathway from the main superficial system to the deeper system. Since the blood in the superficial system is meant to be carried away from the skin, it will flow in the opposite direction when transferring to the deep system. This backward flow results in an overload of pressure in the veins just below the skin, causing them to become varicose. This can very often lead to sores or ulcers developing on the skin. These sores are caused by the continued excess in pressure, and the body’s attempt to relieve this pressure by depositing the iron from the hemoglobin into the skin to bind the skin cells together. If an ulcer would develop from varicose veins, it is important to treat it right away. The persisting problems of varicose veins and ulcers may lead to the forming of blood clots or severe bleeding. This pattern of back and forth high and low pressure from a restriction in blood flow can be seen in post-thrombotic syndrome. Also, varicose veins can sometimes form in the deep system. This is more likely to happen when varicose veins lead to a disorder called superficial thrombophlebitis. In summary, any condition that places increased pressure and restriction on the veins is likely to cause the development of varicose veins.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

Symptoms for this condition include highly visible, misshapen, and discolored veins that can be seen just beneath the surface of the skin. The most common area for varicose veins to appear is in the legs. Mild varicose veins are a cosmetic concern for many people. However, varicose veins can cause significant discomfort. Symptoms and signs of more severe venous disease may include: an achy or heavy feeling in your legs, burning, throbbing, muscle cramping, and swelling in your lower legs, worsened pain after sitting or standing for long periods of time, itching around one or more of your veins, and skin ulcers near the ankle, which represent a severe form of skin damage. These symptoms are most likely to occur during warm weather. High temperatures cause the veins to dilate, allowing the blood to pool more easily. With progression of the varicose vein condition, skin changes can occur. Because of the chronic increase in pressure in the leg veins, discolored skin and/or dermatitis can occur. A brownish-yellow shiny skin discoloration usually around the inner ankle will represent hemosiderin deposits in the skin. This is a form of iron that is present when red blood cells are broken down. An early, small, itchy skin ulceration also can develop on the skin over a varicose vein. These ulcers are long-lasting and have a high recurrence rate.

Visible Signs and Appearance

Before varicose veins form, a person may notice some skin changes in the lower leg. A change in skin color, especially around the ankle, could be a sign that some of the blood is not moving all the way back to the heart. This can cause the iron in the blood to stain the skin. At first, the skin turns brownish, and later a reddish-brown. Skin in this condition can become very thin and it can tear or injure very easily. In severe cases, it can heal very poorly, leading to a breakdown of the skin and the formation of sores. These sores can be very slow to heal. A very severe condition called stasis dermatitis can develop. This is a reddish-brown discoloration on the lower leg that feels like the skin is hardened.

Veins are blood vessels that carry blood from all the body to the heart. Blood flow in the veins of the legs usually travels upward back to the heart. Varicose veins are the most common problem with blood flow in the veins of the legs. Normally, one-way valves in the veins keep blood moving towards the heart. When the valves do not work, blood collects in the vein and it becomes enlarged or varicose. Varicose veins often appear under the skin as bluish cords and usually occur in the legs. They can cause legs to feel heavy, tired, or achy and can cause pain and discomfort. Many people who have varicose veins also have spider veins. These are small, dilated surface veins. They can look like a nest of veins with short, jagged lines. They also can look like tree branches or spider webs. Spider veins are found most often on the legs and face and cover a small area.

Discomfort and Pain

Pain is a common symptom, which is usually worse at the end of the day. The pain often eases when you rest or if you raise your legs. Some people with varicose veins also experience restless legs. Severe varicose veins associated with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can cause more extensive pain or swelling in the leg, or it can cause a feeling of heaviness in the leg. Occasionally, there are more serious complications of varicose veins. In very severe cases, the skin over the ankle may shrink because the fat underneath the skin becomes hard. This is irreversible. In care treatment of the ulcer can help, but skin changes usually return after treatment. If a break in the skin occurs and white blood cells go to the area to fight infection, cell enzymes can cause more skin damage than usual. This can result in an ulcer which does not heal. About 3 in 100 people with varicose veins will go on to develop a varicose vein ulcer. This is a sore on the skin which is usually just above the ankle. An ulcer can be very painful and usually needs dressings and regular review by a nurse or doctor.

Complications and Associated Conditions

These complications often affect the skin located at the ankle or calf. Here, the skin becomes brown in color and is commonly termed rusty skin. This is caused by iron from the hemoglobin in the red blood cells breaking down and being deposited in the skin, which results in a lasting discoloration. The medical term for this is haemosiderin and is usually permanent, although it can be reversed with treatment if caught early. If left untreated, varicose veins can progress to form chronic leg edema, skin damage, and leg ulcers within the ankle or lower leg. An ulcer is a break in the skin that fails to heal and becomes chronic. These are open sores which can be very painful and are a frequent cause of time off work. Ulcers are a significant complication of varicose veins, and approximately 1% of those with varicose veins will have an active leg ulcer. A leg with an ulcer has been shown to affect the quality of life more than those with heart failure or angina due to the pain and reduction in mobility.

Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

Comprehensive treatment of the varicose vein disease therefore involves the following: – Preventing the cause – Removal or treatment of the varicose veins using methods that provide good cosmetic results.

Accordingly, managing varicose veins and venous insufficiency requires addressing any issues that involve the veins and the venous system, particularly at the level of the capillaries and the tiny connecting veins between the superficial and deep veins. This implies that the measures to be taken to prevent worsening of the disease and lower the symptoms of the disease involve attending to the cause, which is usually venous reflux that results from malfunctioning vein valves. However, since it is very difficult to pinpoint which vessels are incompetent and not all vessels that are treated show visually satisfying improvement, the treatment of the cause of varicose veins often does not give optimal cosmetic results.

Lifestyle Modifications and Self-Care

In some cases, varicose veins can cause complications such as leg ulcers, blood clots, or chronic inflammation. Ulcers can form on the skin near varicose veins, particularly near the ankles. Minor injuries to this area can slow the healing process since the skin is already lacking proper circulation. In some cases, a varicose vein can clot and become painful (a condition known as superficial thrombophlebitis). Although the vein is not in a deep vein system, it can still be quite tender in the area of the clot. Phlebitis is an inflammation in a vein, which can be caused by a blood clot. In serious cases, deep vein blood clots can travel to the body’s lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism. If any of these conditions occur, be sure to immediately contact your doctor.

Lifestyle modifications and self-care can control the symptoms of varicose veins and prevent them from worsening. The greatest risk factors are prolonged sitting and standing, and lack of exercise. Walking and moving around every 30 minutes helps to improve circulation in your legs. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight reduces the pressure on your veins. Regular exercise can help strengthen your veins and improve your general circulation. Try to avoid high heels and tight hosiery as they tend to restrict blood flow. Eating a high-fiber, low-salt diet can prevent swelling in the legs. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help lower blood pressure. Lastly, elevating your legs can help improve overall leg circulation. When elevating your legs, it’s elevate them above the heart for about 15 minutes at a time, multiple times a day.

Non-Surgical Treatments

A variety of minimally invasive non-surgical treatments are available for the minimization of varicose veins. These include sclerotherapy, foam sclerotherapy, laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), radiofrequency, and the use of elastic stockings. Sclerotherapy involves the injection of an irritant solution which damages the innermost lining of the vein, causing the vein to collapse and become less prominent. This technique will often require several treatments, as only a limited amount of solution can be injected at each session. Foam sclerotherapy is a similar technique to standard sclerotherapy. The difference lies in the type of solution injected. An injectable foam has been found to be more effective than liquid in the treatment of larger varicose veins. Endovenous laser treatment is a minimally invasive procedure, using an intravenous laser to treat varicose veins. It is a highly effective method and has replaced traditional vein stripping for the treatment of large varicose veins. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and involves an ultrasound-guided injection of local anesthesia around the vein, followed by a thin laser probe insertion into the vein. Sufficient energy is then delivered to close the vein. A tight bandage or compression stocking is then worn for a few days post-procedure. There are a variety of laser modalities used, with newer methods claiming to be virtually painless. The method has been widely embraced by practitioners in the field, and studies have shown that up to 94% of treated veins remain sealed after five years. It compares favorably with surgery in terms of sealing veins, but with the advantage of lower rates of vein recurrence and less severe post-procedural pain.

Surgical Procedures

Endovenous ablation and surgery are the most effective long-term treatments for varicose veins. They are about 90% effective. This means that for every 100 legs treated with endovenous ablation or surgery, about 90 to 95 will be free of varicose veins 5 years after treatment. Radiofrequency ablation and endovenous laser treatment are very similar procedures. Both are usually done in the doctor’s office with local anesthesia. The doctor uses an ultrasound scan to help guide a catheter into your varicose vein. This is usually done through a small cut near your knee. The catheter tip is heated using radiofrequency or laser energy. This heats the vein and seals it closed. The catheter is slowly pulled out while the heat is given. This treats a section of vein at a time. After the procedure, any cuts are covered with a bandage. You will be able to walk soon afterwards and you should be able to return to your normal daily activities within a few days. Your doctor will give you advice on wearing compression stockings and how much walking and other exercise you can do. Radiofrequency ablation and endovenous laser treatment cause less pain and bruising than surgery and generally have a faster recovery time. They also have fewer serious adverse effects.

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